Winter is here, which means longer nights, colder days, and unpredictable weather. During this season, it can be difficult to find the time or the creativity to keep your horse entertained and moving, but it is important to put in the extra effort for your animal as they need enrichment the most during this time.
Here are a few ways to keep you and your horse entertained during the winter season!
Enjoy a Winter Walk
Taking a leisurely stroll with your horse differs from leading them from place to place. Taking your animal on a walk for enrichment allows them to explore, graze, and decide where they want to go. You rarely get to spend relaxed quality time with your horse that doesn’t involve some training or show preparation, and you both deserve a break from time to time.
If you really want to make things special, you can plan your walk route in advance and plant a few toys and treats along the way for your horse!
Prioritize Grooming
Grooming your horse becomes especially important during the winter months and is essential for their health and well-being. Be sure to brush your horse’s mane and tail regularly and remove rugs to get rid of any dirt, dust, or mud that has built up.
Grooming your horse is a great way to spend quality time together, and if you take a moment to find their favorite scratch spot, they will surely appreciate the extra attention!
Teach Them New Tricks
Taking time to teach your horse new tricks is a fun way to keep them entertained during the winter, but it also helps them improve their circulation and cognitive skills. You want to keep your horse active this season to keep them in shape and ready for spring. You don’t have to push them to their limits with an intense training regimen, but taking them out a few times a week to learn some new simple commands with plenty of praise and love is encouraged.
The winter is also the perfect time to ensure you have what you need for the show season! At Personalized Products, we have everything you and your horse require to feel prepared and ready to train or perform! From custom horse clothing to various equestrian accessories, you can trust us to provide you with quality products that will last you and your animal years to come.
Contact us at (262)673-6300 to get a head start for the warmer months ahead, or fill out our contact form online with any questions regarding a custom order!